Customer Experience

Find the Best Call Center Outsourcing Services Company in Dubai (2023)

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Outsourcing has become very common in recent years with the number of organizations using call center services in Dubai rising dramatically. When it comes to finding an outsourcing call center it becomes all the more difficult as there are many factors that you have to keep under consideration. 

Here we have listed some tips so you can find your UAE Best Call Center Service Provider.

Industry Experience

This stands as one of the most crucial factors when on a look out for the best call center outsourcing company in Dubai. Industry knowledge is imperative as it is what forms the basis for your business operations to carry out. 

The company must be equipped with sufficient experience to handle all kind of difficulties and hardships that arise during projects. Besides, it must be able to deal with all the customer queries that come their way and provide effective solutions as per the projects requirements. 

Qualified Staff

Verification of professionals and personnel that is engaged in the projects is important in finding the best call center solutions in Dubai. It is important for the personal to possess the capacity of dealing with all the issues and completing all tasks on a timely basis. You must check if the outsourcing company has a training and development program for its employees for maintaining maximum efficiency and meeting project deadlines. 

Budget and Pricing

Payment is extremely important when selecting the best call center outsourcing company in Dubai. For this you must examine what prices the rivals are offering as well as the service quality. Then you can negotiate with the agencies to get the best value within your allocated budget without having to sacrifice on the quality. 

Cost effectiveness is one of the main reasons for most companies to outsource their services, so it remains critical that the cost be thoroughly examined before finding the outsourcing partner

Top Quality Assurance

The BPO service provider must be of top-notch quality and free of all errors. The quality of the projects assigned are directly linked to the quality of the service delivery they provide. Upon interaction with outsourcing companies, it must be certified that they are active correspondents and their services are error free in all respects. You should also confirm to consider the steps the third-party service providers take to reserve the projects eminence. 

Technological Standards

This aspect basically measures the value of the project’s quality. Check with call center services in Dubai that are well defined in bringing projects that are up to date with technological prowess, otherwise an outdated project will only be obsolete and not serve any purpose. Check for timely updates in relation to the software being used to undertake tasks and operations. This will guarantee that all clients requirements are contented.

Data Security

When you have to choose between using cloud based or premise-based services from your outsourcing partner, it is important that you consider the data compliance and security procedures the company employs. You will be disclosing very sensitive data to the agency which must not be leaked and safeguarded by all means. 

Therefore, it is important that you sign a non-disclosure agreement and know the kind of security measures it takes in the form of paperwork. Before you make a choice leading call center in Dubai, all cloud platforms and privacy settings must be verified to make sure you can retrieve useful data anytime in case you lose it. 

Global Presence

You must always see whether the call center outsourcing company has a history of dealing with clients on a global level. This sort of engagement allows you to interact and communicate with clients from diverse backgrounds and expertise and equips you with the ability to deal with difficult situations. 

Moreover, it’s a fact, that organizations with a vast global presence tend to possess better communication skills which remains and integral factor while finding the right call center outsourcing partner. 


As you embark on finding the best call center outsourcing company in Dubai, you must look into the variety of supplier the company has had in the past. This will give you an idea of their clientele services and rates. 

In case of a recommendation, you must make use of it or at least connect with them as you note its source. This may assist you in obtaining reasonable process for the services you offer as well as superior quality as brand reputation will be involved. 

Understand the Integration

The integration process can begin when you have made the agreement and are prepared to proceed. This process can vary widely depending on the service that the call center is hired and the approach it takes. Thus, it makes easy to unite the hardware’s and software’s and any information-based technology as per need.

The Final Verdict

So, when on a look out for Call center services in Dubai for your business, you must keep the factors mentioned above in mind. Industry knowledge and experience along with global presence, technological standards, good reference, data security, budgeting, quality assurance are all very important to get the maximum benefits from the BPO service provider you partner with.

Customer Experience

Effective Customer Retention Strategies for Long-Term Business Growth

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With increasing clicks and conversion costs, it’s better to retain existing customers than acquiring new ones.

The importance of customer retention is highly understated. It evidently suggests that your customer trust your brands and services and continue to remain loyal in the long run. Retaining customers for a business is very important as it plays a significant role in their growth.

What is Customer Retention?

This is the practice of growing a business’s repeat customer rate and mining added value from the present customers. The basic purpose of customer retention is to guarantee your customers are making recurrent purchases, are content with your services and do not turn to your competitor.

Here are some techniques that your business can implement to boost customer retention.

    • Welcome Series

      This is basically an idea which makes use of email welcome series which sets the tone for any interactions between the business and client. It enables you to build a solid foundation from the very start to increase your customer base.

      You can achieve this via number of emails like:

      Email1: Introduce your brand in a very unique manner presenting its value propositions.
      Email 2: You can communicate the brand values the business has

      Email 3: Display all the products you offer through this email so the client has an idea of what you are offering

      Email 4: In this email you can offer an incentive to encourage the client to make the purchase

      It is not necessary that you go with the sales pitch right away. A brand introduction, how it may assist the customers, what you believe in, is likely to convey the idea of the bigger picture to the customers.

    • Evolve your Offerings

      Providing a diverse variety in your product offerings forms the basis for brands to stand out in the competitive market of today. Moreover, brands need to consistently engage with their customers so as to keep them updated with the relevant information regarding their offers.

      You can customise on your loyalty programs which will help your brand build a community of engaged customers that are likely to purchase on a frequent basis.

      Personalisation is also a prerequisite to grow your customer base. These are basically custom offers like providing exclusive deals on important days like their birthdays etc, sending them private emails and discounts with special codes. This makes them happy and willing to make repeat purchases and choose your brand over others as the rewards suit them.

      You can also provide customers with an option of choosing their own loyalty program. You can do this by allowing members to select a free gift within a certain price range from its best sellers list. Take it one step further by introducing a points system which your customers can use against the complete list of products you provide.


Customer Experience

AI Strategy: How Rapid Experimentation Drives Success

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AI is the defining technology of today. In fact, in the constantly evolving technological landscape, few innovations have had quite an impact as artificial intelligence. Similar to how the internet changed our lives two decades ago, artificial intelligence is increasingly transforming the way we work and lead our lives. and with recent advancements in generative AI, the trend has leaped even further!
From diagnosing diseases to reforming industries, there are no limits to AI’s capabilities. Yet, amidst its promise lies a gap in value creation, as many businesses are struggling to harness its full potential. In this article, we delve into the rise of AI, and the crucial need for a comprehensive AI strategy to navigate this rapidly evolving landscape.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Initially coined in the 1950s, the term artificial intelligence is defined as a machine that can reason, learn, and act independently in different situations. All the AI applications today can be seen as ‘narrow AI’ meaning AI that is programmed to provide solutions for a specific task. This may include playing chess, filtering emails, translating text, and so on.
AI is a broad term that encompasses numerous technologies and areas of study. Machine learning stands as a cornerstone of AI, which is all about using statistics to spot patterns in big sets of data. These patterns help machines predict things accurately. The technical concepts underpinning many machine learning applications have existed for decades. However, only in recent years have we achieved the computational capacity and access to vast amounts of data necessary to fully harness the potential of this form of AI.

The Gap in AI Value Creation

AI helps in accomplishing tasks faster, engaging customers uncovering insights through data and many more. It has been a powerful lever to help accomplish what’s important from developing new revenue streams to creating measurable efficiencies. Consequently, many businesses are increasingly investing in AI technologies to enhance their operations, products, and services, to gain a competitive edge.
While many are resorting to discovering ways to innovate with AI, some recognize it's a unique technology that must be handled carefully. Moreover, there seems to be a major gap in AI-related value creation among companies. While the likes of Amazon and Google have been making huge profits by leveraging AI, other firms have not been able to meet their targets. While the broad transformative potential of AI is known to enterprises, they still struggle to translate its potential into tangible advantages.
A vast majority of enterprises are facing the dilemma of balancing disruption and innovations brought about by modern AI tools with the responsibility and control mandated by business regulations and practices. There may be several reasons for this but most are traced back to the basic issues.
This gap often stems from foundational issues, including a lack of understanding of AI's necessity, its use cases, challenges, and implementation strategies. In essence, there is no comprehensive AI strategy in place to fit specific organizational needs and goals.

Creating a Comprehensive AI Strategy

Successful companies leveraging AI have proactively embraced the technology from its inception, tactically addressing possible challenges linked to its widespread application. Considering the adoption of AI as a journey spanning from proof of concept to its applications in daily operations, businesses generating value out of AI are the ones at later stages of the journey.
Reaching a level of AI maturity necessitates a well-rounded AI strategy with a structured understanding of the dimensions that need to be addressed. This understanding must extend beyond mere discussions of use cases to encompass deeper inquiries into AI ambition, organizational enablers, and execution strategies. More so, it is significant to know how to develop these dimensions systematically.
The path to AI maturity varies for different organizations depending on their current level of maturity and status quo. Yet a clearly defined path will aid in navigating an ever-evolving AI landscape. It is essential to systematically develop these dimensions to ensure successful AI integration and value creation.

Overcoming Uncertainty Through Rapid Experimentation

With enterprises embarking on the route of AI adoption at scale, they may find themselves navigating unmapped territories. With the field in its infancy, many businesses have not yet fully acquired the skills necessary to establish a solid foundation for their AI practices. This uncertain landscape, calls for the adoption of the critical strategy of rapid experimentation to drive growth and innovation.

Fostering Innovation with Multi-Disciplinary Teams

AI applications require placing great importance on diverse experiences and domain expertise, thus departing from traditional methods. Businesses must assemble multi-disciplinary teams comprising individuals proficient in application development, data engineering, and data science. The combination of this expertise allows teams to recognize pitfalls and biases in AI applications and thus translate pioneering technologies into tangible products and practices. By embedding a culture of curiosity among the teams, individuals are encouraged to further for exploration and experiment, consequently leading to forward-thinking solutions.

Establishment of Controlled Experimentation Settings

Establishing controlled experimentation environments is crucial for superintending the iterative process of AI development. To select suitable data and set processes running, collaboration among information security specialists and business users is paramount. Organizations may lay the basis for developing innovative applications by approving a set of initial use cases. Experimentation environments every so often reflecting testing and development environments depend on authentic company data to inform decision-making and drive insights.

Rationalizing Data Provisioning and Application Development

Streamlining AI initiatives requires an internal process for application development and productization. Application owners are empowered by the selection and provision of data within the experimentation platform along with monitoring user behaviour and data flow. Organizations can promptly gather valuable insights and address issues by establishing feedback loops, thereby facilitating continuous optimization and improvement.

Securing Compliance and Storage

Enterprises must ensure secure and compliant storage to guarantee sensitive AI systems and data are protected. The implementation of comprehensive governance tools allows businesses to track, monitor, and manage the complete lifecycle of AI applications. This safeguards against all potential data breaches and unauthorized access.

The Final Verdict

Rapid experimentation is the foundation of AI adoption allowing enterprises to drive innovation and navigate uncertainty. Organizations can use AI to its full potential by the formation of multi-disciplinary teams, creating controlled experimentation settings, streamlining application development, and prioritizing secure storage and compliance.

Customer Experience

Key Metrics to Consider When Choosing a Call Center Outsourcing Company in the Middle East

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A robust customer experience (CX) has the potential to either make or break a business. Adopting a proactive approach towards how you observe and engage with your customers is critical, starting even before they become familiar with your brand, and enduring it till they are well-informed about your distinctiveness and actively involved with your products and services. 

Rising Customer Service Expectations

Advancements in technology indicate customer expectations are also on the rise. Be it the delivery process or the real time updates on their orders, customers hate to wait.
According to a recent PwC survey, customers across numerous industries are willing to invest 16% more for better service. The survey also suggests that speed and effectiveness are the foundations of the customer experience with 52% prepared to pay higher rates for efficient processes.
No doubt most businesses are mindful of the fact that they have fused quite a few changes to guarantee speedy delivery and services for their patrons. Nevertheless, the same is not true of the customer experience offered by a majority of companies.
As per the customer service benchmark research the usual email response time for customer service is about 12 hours. Astonishingly 62% of companies do not even bother to retort to customer service emails. Besides those that do, only about 3% send a follow-up email to customers to confirm if they are content with the response or not.

Speed is Important

Customers demand speed, be it for customer service or simple delivery processes. As per the CMO council, fast response rates are imperative to boost your customer service. So, by giving prompt responses, you meet their expectations which is crucial if you wish to stand out in the market.
Regrettably, as customer satisfaction research displays, only 12% of customer service managers are fixated on responding to their customers on time. The number seems depressing but also offers a chance for the brands that listen. By employing techniques to improve cx, brands can grasp a large share of the market and nurture a trustworthy breed of customers to produce their business expressively.

Customer Journey Mapping

Mapping out the customer journey is very important for businesses to enhance their customer experience. Being aware of how your customers can reach you, where your customers are from, what ways they can interact with you can assist you in discovering what will work out and what will not.

Drafting a map of your customers journey is not difficult and does not require any details. A simple outline can give you the needed information to make any immediate amendments.

Essential Parts of a Customer Journey Map


These refer to the various points of interaction between the business and the customer. They comprise social media interactions, website visits, emails, phone calls, live interaction.


This is basically an explicit description of the customer segment of focus for a better understanding of the customer's perspective. They include behaviours, demographics, pain points and goals.


These include awareness, consideration, purchase, usage and loyalty-the key phases a customer goes through.

Emotions and Actions

Outlining the actions the customer takes and the emotions they display are very important to boost your cx. This gives an insight into the mindset of the customers at each stage.


The numerous channels the customer communicates and interacts with like the website, social media, physical store and mobile app.

What is Live Chat?

With a huge number of contact centres adopting an omnichannel approach, it is no doubt that the customers can have access to various modes of communication like telephone and email service providers. Just recently a new addition has been made namely the ‘live chat’.
Live chat is basically an online channel of communication which facilitates website visitors in interacting with your customer service agents asking questions, seeking help with navigation and gaining valuable insight.
Live chat helps customers easily find answers to queries, which helps them achieve instant gratification and thus another way to improve cx with chat support services.

How to Improve Customer Experience through Live chat?

Customer experience can be enhanced in multiple ways, but the key is to adopt a multidimensional approach. Gartner suggests customer experience initiates more than two thirds of customer loyalty outdoing brand and price collectively. Some of the tips to improve cx through chat support services are as listed below:

Keep it Out There

The icon of live chat should be visible to anyone who browses through your website through his desktop or the phone. Making a person wait to get connected with the customer support representative is likely to lower the likelihoods of delivering a good customer experience.
So, if you are wondering how to manage this, all you need to do is use a computerised message feature which welcomes the user with a customised greeting. These messages can be scripted on the basis of the user’s action and the data you have of them in your records.
When it comes to enhancing customer retention, a customer who happens to be revisiting can be greeted with a message that says, welcome back, nice to have you again etc. Similarly, for customers from another country, they should be welcomed in their native language.
Though a ‘chat now’ icon is imperative, it is still important that you send a timely chat invite to anybody who visits your page in case the icon gets lost in the flood of other information.

CRM Integration

Requesting your customers to log into the chat form and share their contact data is likely to boost your cx. You could initially start chatting on a first name basis then store the information in the CRM. You can collect information and data of each customer as per the platform which will benefit your sales process as well as market research.
This will prove as an added bonus for your business maximising customer experience optimisation and creating lasting bonds between your business and clients. You can also offer the clients with distinct, tailor-made information and deals based on their preferences making them feel special and valued.

Remember it’s a ‘Chat’

When interacting in a chat, you must keep in mind that this is not a transaction, or a formal setting in which you are setting up terms and conditions for a business, it is just a chat. So, your best chat practice is to try and make the conversation as real as possible. You should consider what you would say to a customer face to face while typing in the live chat.

Stay Active

You must know that your customers' time is valuable, so it is best to be quick and active when helping. Real time messaging is essential for troubleshooting, onboarding and nurturing customer relations.
When customers reach out to you, you need to ensure that an agent is there to assist them. It’s also important that you prescribe an average response time on the chat window. When a customer asks a question its essential that you are prepared with the appropriate response that resolves their query.
If you need some time to collect the required information, it is sensible to mention the appropriate waiting time to the customer. This will indicate that you are there to respond to their needs and develop the patience to get the information.
Moreover, in another case if the agent happens to be on a break, then its is suggested that they change the default window settings. This will ensure that the customer gets connected when they are available.

Attention to Detail

Attending your customers' concerns and inquiries is the prerequisite to boost your cx be it a dialogue on the telephone or a live chat. As you get a better understanding of each minute detail of your customer, you get a better idea of how to reach the optimised solution.
You do not have to pay attention to the customer's appearance when writing a statement during the chat. This will only divert you from prudently considering the customers concern and henceforth not let you to deliver the required solution. Always bear in mind that it is not important to offer an instant solution but the requisite solution that could assist in achieving maximum CSAT.

The Final Verdict

Delivering great customer experience through chat support services requires some time and effort. Agent productivity and acquiring of customer data is conducive to providing a good customer experience on a chat support service. If successful, these can aid in transforming your visitors to buyers and thus loyal customers.

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